Talk:Sarine Elle

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Latest revision as of 07:43, 25 January 2006

As the person who put the link to #300 on this page, I really shouldn't talk, but linking the word 'mate' to Nookie's page is pretty unexpected, And giving yourself a name might be nice. -DarkLight140 Sunday Jan 22 1:33 AM GMT

I've been linking all synonyms of "mate," "interbreed," or whatever to Nookie's page. I thought it was funny. - (hasn't thought of a name yet. Call me Rip) Sunday Jan 21 8:37 PM EST

Well, it's mildly funny, so whatever works for you, I guess. Choose a name as soon as you can, 'kay? Otherwise you can't claim credit for everything and then act disappointed when no one cares. Or was that only my plan? -DarkLight140 Sunday Jan 22 2:34 AM GMT

Right Click > Save... One more fanart for the archive... Heh heh heh... --Kestenvarn 21:12, 21 January 2006 (CST)

Ah... so that's the little 12-year male that is adding stuff to the Wiki. While the fan art is nicely drawn, suggesting Impy or Poe or whoever takes care of the ES fan art page put it where it should be and remove it from the Wiki article. -spiketail 06:19, 22 January 2006 (CST)

Fan art does not belong in the wiki. Ian Did It jokes do not belong in the wiki. -B

Blame Baron for the fan art page. He's supposed to be writing us something that will make it shiny and working, since neither of us knows crap from code. --Impy 13:20, 22 January 2006 (CST)

Boy, this character description sure is bland. Some improvements are needed... --Kestenvarn 02:44, 24 January 2006 (CST)

Going w/ 'First Appearance' in #4 instead of Ch. 1 Cover or #1 to show her in her more or less current form. -spiketail 03:15, 24 January 2006 (CST)

Well, that was a pain, too. Ah, well. Things noted while finding all the pages: 1) There is no Page 15, or rather it's the Ch. 1 Cover. 2) The first "mentioned" page noted, Jon is referencing Sarine, I think. 3) I don't think she's actually in page 197, but she talks. 4) I don't think Sarine is in #220, but I might have missed her. 5) There are two #251's, but no #252. 6) Sarine narrates all of Chapter Ten! I just ignored that. 7) There is a #365, and a #366, but also an unnumbered comic between them. 8) Skipped the filler art in the archive, but noted Volume 2's cover in its order. That can be moved or deleted later. 9) Sarine is also narrating page 405; didn't note her there either.

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