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Trolls are the third race created by Anilis and Senilis. The trolls are mortal, and because of this, the elves tried to destroy them, in order to "correct" their gods' failures. In the end, all they were able to do is to drive the trolls further north. Their present homeland, wherever it is, is close enough to the Ensigerum village for encounters to occur, apparently with disastrous results for the trolls. They hate fire.

According to Paul, who fills Anita in on troll matters following the skirmish with Warrel and Sara Amraphel, trolls have a surprisingly sophisticated belief system that links body and soul more strongly than in some other religions, hence the trolls' practice of cannibalism. Paul also surmises that the wandering trolls were displaced from their tribal lands by actions of the Veracian Church, which persuaded the army of Veracia to make a raid in response to trumped-up charges of troll aggression. (Trumped-up? So the modern troll is actually peaceful? Who woulda thunkit...)

Trolls have a rudimentary level of technology, with crude swords and bows and arrows. They don't seem opposed to using plain old fang and claw, though. According to Sarine, they eat humans and other opportune bits of protein; however, it probably came as a surprise to her that they also eat Paedagogusi when given the chance, as happened to Kawaii. (The result: scorched troll, one of those little tidbits that suggests there's more to the Paedagogusi than meets the eye.) It is not presently known whether they have any capability to use magic.

There is a picture of a troll here. Better pictures can be seen here.

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