> Errant Story » 2013 » December

Archive for December, 2013

Xmas Filler

Errant Story is closed for the holidays. In the meantime, please enjoy the traditional Scantily Clad Christmas Elf™ which you can get a bigger version of here.

What’s been going on the last month, and why there have been no updates, is that we’ve been working on Does Not Play Well With Others and dealing with yet more real life crap, and it has left us with no time for anything else. Hilary and I have been realizing finally that any one project, be it the Errant Story books, Does Not Play Well With Others, or any of the other comic things we’d like to be doing is pretty much a full time job by itself. We’re overwhelmed because the number of projects is splitting us in too many directions at once, and all of the projects are suffering as a result. We’re going to have to pick a priority. The next couple of weeks will be spent figuring out exactly what we want to do and how, and we should have an announcement about it for the new year.