> Errant Story » Archive » Saturday Filler: Archer
August 7th, 2010
Saturday Filler: Archer
Saturday Filler: Archer

I’ve never really had archery show up much in ES, as I intentionally avoided it with the elves and the rest of the world had already moved past it by the time the story started.  Bows are pretty much a missing link in the world of Errant Story.  The modern world has both magic and guns, so bows seem unnecessary, but before Farrel developed firearms they were in very common use.  They are still in use in some places, just not in much military usage.  The Trolls (the males anyway) still practice archery for hunting, but not so much for fighting other trolls, since an arrow just wouldn’t do all that much to a troll.

So… yeah, that’s why there haven’t been any archers in Errant Story.   That, and they’re bloody hard to draw in action scenes.
