> Errant Story » Archive » Saturday Filler Infodump: Farrel Part II
August 28th, 2010
Saturday Filler Infodump: Farrel Part II
Saturday Filler Infodump: Farrel Part II

One of the primary differences that Farrel has over the other nations of the world is that much of their law enforcement and emergency services have been privatized.  In fact besides a relatively small standing army and navy, Farrel depends upon mercenaries for all of it domestic defense. This led to the formation of many guilds all over the country to provide training and organization for Farrel’s thousands of mercenaries.

Of course, so many guilds around, there ends up being far more mercenaries than there are actually jobs for, leading many of them to turn to crime… which in turn, means more mercenaries are needed to deal with the increase in crime and so on.   It’s not exactly the most intelligent system, but for now it seems to work for Farrel.

The Gewehr Wraiths actually started out as such a guild.  Their transformation into criminals first began when they served on the front lines as part of Veracia’s advance into the Northern Confederacy, the Wraiths, like many soldiers there, encountered firearms for the first time. Impressed with the devices, the returning Wraiths brought as many guns as they could recover home to Farrel so that the guild’s private smiths and craftsmen could take a look at them.  After a couple of years, the Wraiths were fielding their own guns much to the shock and disgust of the other guilds.

At that time, the various mercenary guilds of Farrel had developed quite a bit of fetishism around swords, and the sight of the Wraiths abandoning the weapons in favor of firearms caused them to be treated as heretics by the other guilds.  Eventually, proper contracts and jobs for the Wraiths dried up, leaving the guild to turn to less lawful avenues to survive.   As the years passed, the Wraiths became a full fledged criminal organization just as successful as they were as a mercenary guild, just in a slightly different way.  Meanwhile, the various mercenary guilds found themselves having to adapt to guns too, as more and more of the weapons found their way into Farrel and Veracia.
