> Errant Story » Archive » Saturday Filler Infodump: Santuariel
November 20th, 2010
Saturday Filler Infodump: Santuariel
Saturday Filler Infodump: Santuariel

There have been multiple half elf settlements named Santuariel throughout the history of Errant Story.  Meaning approximately ’sanctuary’ in the sanguen elven language, the word seemed to have become part of the half elf consciousness, long after they stopped even using the language.

The earliest Santuariel was formed in early years of the Errant Wars; the city was actually built by the Elves who were fighting on the side of the half elves.  By that point, the half elves had been largely forced from most elven cities by the fighting, so Santuariel was constructed as a home for the many refugees and their families, while the sympathetic elves tried to calm the rest of the elven population and stop the race war that was brewing.  Unfortunately, the elves supporting the eradication had become a large enough force that they were able organize a huge complement of elven soldiers and Ensigerum to completely overrun and destroy the city.

At least three other Santuariels were built after the destruction of the original city.  Each time the refuge would eventually be discovered and invaded, causing the survivors to scatter and eventually build anew in an even more distant location.  Finally, after much pain, misery, and death, the war ended.  Due more to a lack of elves and half elves able to actually fight each other than by any real resolution.  Things became quiet as most of the elves buried themselves in Praenubilus Astu, leaving mankind, the surviving half elves and a few dozen elves, that refused the offer of amnesty and a place in Praenubilus Astu, to pick up the pieces of the world.

Even with no longer being actively hunted by elves, the half-elf population never really flourished again.  They (and the elves that had chosen self imposed exiled) spread out, keeping to their selves and avoiding trouble when ever possible.  The years turned into decades, and then to centuries and eventually, whether by chance or design; a couple of families of half elves came to be living near each other in an area of west Veracia. Several others heard of this and moved there as well.  This migration continued until they found themselves forming an impromptu half elven settlement.  The name Santuariel was soon chosen for the fledging village based on some old stories passed through the generations.  And as the years passed the fourth Santuariel grew and even prospered to some degree and the half elf population felt safe and secured, the first time in their lives, for many of them.
