> Errant Story » Archive » [CT] Bad Idea
June 1st, 2012
[CT] Bad Idea
[CT] Bad Idea

Still with words. I think this was the page where I officially started cranking down the RPG based humor, when I rewrote some of the Professor’s dialog here. Originally it was something about there being roving bands of heroes out in the world just looking for poor evil mages to beat up or something.

Also the Hideaki thing was a reference to a character that is planned for the sequel and never shows up here at all. Because that is a thing I apparently can’t fucking stop myself from doing when I write stuff… no matter how stupid it ends up looking years later. Totally looking at you, canceled Exploitation Girl Bunny project.

And again, just because I can, here’s another little preview of what this page will look like when we split it for the collector’s edition books. Except, you know, it should be shaded then.

The split version of this page.

The split version of this page.
