> Errant Story » Archive » [CT]I’m Not Saying It was Elves, But…
April 29th, 2013
[CT]I’m Not Saying It was Elves, But…
[CT]I’m Not Saying It was Elves, But…

Impy: Oops… Poe forgot to tell me that this page had the new art it needed so I could finalize the speech bubbles (which were done except for an outline, he could have done that himself). Anyway, here’s his commentary!

Anyway as I have been trying to say, I really hate those god damn books.   The timeline and reasoning for them is all kinds wonky.  But ah well.   Oh look, even past me realized this was getting too talking head-y and threw in a visual gag in the background.  On the next page there’s even a gunshot sound effect coming from off panel, which makes this the first official time Jon shoots Ellis, I think.
