> Errant Story » Archive » [CT] Bashful
May 21st, 2013
[CT] Bashful
[CT] Bashful

I absolutely hated drawing the water in these scenes, everything was just a inky black mess. Ah well, as I said before, it was just a last minute change to try to make Ian seem more sympathetic and totally-not-the-type-of-person-who-would-go-crazy-and-commit-GENOCIDE.

It’s also that time again, where we realize that everything we’re doing to make money is taking longer than it should and in the meantime we’re super broke. SO there’s a new two-page mini-comic for donors, just click the pretty button below to donate. You should be automatically directed to the page when you donate, if you’re not, please e-mail Impy to let her know.

Also, I’m selling off my childhood GI Joe collection, including my Defiant. You can find the list of what I’ve got here. Pretty much everything on it is for sale.
