> Errant Story » Archive » [CT] Flashback
August 20th, 2013
[CT] Flashback
[CT] Flashback

Aaaaand it’s the first time I did this flashback shit.

I’m not quite sure what possessed me to start drawing these things with a ballpoint pen. Originally I was going to use charcoal and art pencils like in the Exploitation Now Jordan flashback, but after trying that in a few places on this page I decided it was a messy pain in the ass. Plus using a cheap-ass ballpoint meant I got to skip using the overpriced fiddly technical pens I was using for normal inking. At first, I also was going to do these on the same Bristol pages I used for normal comics but after this page I switched to just haphazardly sketching the panels in a sketch book and then trying to assemble them on the page the best I could.  It made for some interesting page layouts… which are an absolute nightmare to go back and rework.

Note from Impy

It was a bitch and a half to rework this page and the rest of this sequence, but I’m actually really proud of how it came out. It feels stark and shows that amazing emotive line work so much better than the original did. Even though we’re planning on shading the rest of the comics for the collector’s edition, I think these flashbacks might stay crisp and unshaded like this. What do you guys think?
