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Trolls are the third species created by Anilis and Senilis. The trolls are mortal, and because of this, the elves tried to destroy them, in order to "correct" their gods' failures. In the end, all they were able to do is to drive the trolls further north. Their present homeland, wherever it is, is close enough to the Ensigerum village for encounters to occur, usually with disastrous results for the trolls. They hate fire.

According to Paul, who fills Anita in on troll matters following the skirmish with Warrel and Sara Amraphel, trolls have a surprisingly sophisticated belief system that links body and soul more strongly than in some other religions, hence the trolls' practice of cannibalism. Paul also surmises that the wandering trolls were displaced from their tribal lands by actions of the Veracian Church, which persuaded the army of Veracia to make a raid in response to trumped-up charges of troll aggression. (Trumped-up? So the modern troll is actually peaceful? Who woulda thunkit...)

Trolls have a rudimentary level of technology, with crude swords and bows and arrows. They don't seem opposed to using plain old fang and claw, though. According to Sarine, they eat humans and other opportune bits of protein; however, it probably came as a surprise to her that they also eat Paedagogusi when given the chance, as happened to Kawaii. (The result: scorched troll, one of those little tidbits that suggests there's more to the Paedagogusi than meets the eye.) Poe, however, says that anthropophagy is not really part of your basic troll psyche under normal conditions, and he ought to know; see comments below.

They appear to have some capacity to use magic as evidenced by the middle figure here, but no details of their ability are known. Ian confirms the magic capability at one point by calling the female trolls witches. Their minds are apparently too resistant to torture to be worth interrogating.

Physically, trolls are large, dark-skinned creatures, with four clawed fingers on each hand. Their eyes are dark compared to other races, the effect of which is possibly increased by their prominent eyebrows. They also have pointed ears in the same manner as the elves, and flat, inconspicuous noses. Those trolls seen so far have all had their hair worn in dreadlocks.

Can there be half-trolls in the same way as half elves are half elf? Apparently so, as there's a nice purchasable poster of the half-troll Mikota, although we're told that she's not going to appear in Errant Story itself. We don't know what the other half is -- human? elf? something else? -- but the sequel presumably will tell all.

There is a picture of a troll here. Better pictures can be seen here. The reference to Tarragon the Troll is most likely apocryphal.

Poe Notes:|

(Taken from this thread in the Forum)

A Troll actually reaches maturity much sooner than a human, somewhere between 12-15 years of age at which which point the aging cycle begins to slow considerably.
The lifespan (not factoring in that reaching old age is an extremly rare event for a troll, especially males) is around 700-800 years
Gestation period is approximately six months.

(Taken from this thread in the Forum)

Actually they're a matriarchal, tribal based sociality with each clan usually being lead by the oldest/most powerful female magic user.
Other fun facts about them: They practice a form of ritual cannibalism as part of their relegious system. (mostly having to do with death and the afterlife, not as some sort of 'offering to the gods' or thing like that)
Only females troll actually ever develop the ability to use magic (which is more or less why the trolls are a matriarchal society).
Most of their skirmishes with mankind are the result of humans trying expand into troll lands, not because of any sort "We're just plain evil and like to kill soft, squishy humans" thing.
They don't actually eat humans (well, unless they were really, really starving and had nothing else to eat) and most of the rumors of them doing so were started by a misunderstanding about a single incident; after a rather long, difficult battle with a group of humans defending a newly built settlement, the trolls decided to honor them in the traditional manner trolls use to show respect to strong warriors who fight against and are killed in battle- they ate part of their flesh so their spirit would continue to live on after them. (as I said, the trolls have a kooky little belief system)

See? I don't always answer just the easy questions.

Pages in category "Trolls"

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