ER:Tom Brambil

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A player character in the Errant Road free-form on-line role-playing game, portrayed by Arreksu. Needless to say, he doesn't exist in the Poe-verse. His basic concept is given here, from which the following is taken:


Name: Tom Brambil

Age: Fourteen, by my reckoning...

Race: Human.

Origins: An urchin on the streets of Farrel from as early as he could remember, Tom has lived most of his life on and around ships and sailors. Well, not on sailors, obviously, those that try to muscle in on the seam-stresses territory suffer severe consequences, and Tom is nothing if not self-preserving. A life as a street-corner jack of all trades has led to Tom picking up all the skills a successful... uh... well successful whatever needs, anyway. He can cook, dance, sing, swab deck, haul tackle, juggle, tumble, play poker, act demure, pick pockets, lug baggage, polish brass, and did I mention he can cook?

When he was probably twelve (the age thing is a little iffy), he stowed away on a ship heading for Port Isabel, leaving behind some disreputable "friends" and an offer he apparently could refuse. The crew discovered him within eight hours, mostly because he has the occasional obsessive compulsive reaction to unswabbed decks. They let him stay after discovering how handy he was with a metal soupspoon; several fingers and foreheads were sorely bruised before they let him stay aboard. Arriving in Isabel, disaster struck; the ship he'd secured a position on was destroyed in an unfortunate incident involving a drunk troll, two coils of slick rope and some feathers, and the crew went their separate ways, leaving Tom stranded. He's been living in Port Isabel for the last two years or so.

Appearance: You know Oliver Twist? Short, dirty blonde hair, scrawny build? Him, but less whiny, and minus the enormous blue eyes. He's got green eyes instead, and they're normal size.

Equipment: The breeches, tunic, vest and boots are just about the only thing he owns, in addition to a battered harmonica, a hefty metal ladle intended for big pots, and a belt with a huge buckle that's too big to go around his waist, so he wears it at an angle across his chest. He says it makes him look "dashing," but it just looks like he's wearing a belt over his shoulder.


He's one of the first characters to show up in the "Airship Pirates, Chapter 1: Isabel" thread, where he is recruited by a "help wanted" sign posted by Rip at the Happy Hookah, your basic seedy bar. (What a fourteen-year-old is doing in a seedy bar is probably best left to the imagination.) One thing rapidly leads to another, and soon he's the cook aboard the Bonny Read, the airship of the thread title. Somehow he manages to survive in this role, despite an instruction from Jon Wrackham, captain of the BR, to "kill the cook" after a little spellcasting by Rip, part of the battle with rival airship Queen Alice's Revenge, fills the ship with a noxious stench that he thinks Tom caused. (First mate Kattie, who receives this order, ignores it, since she knows Wrackham will have calmed down by morning. Besides, good ship's cooks are hard to find, and young Tom is actually quite good at it.)

He stays with the Bonny Read through various aerial adventures, notably a food fight where he contributes, among other things, dinner rolls that make lethal projectiles after absorbing a bit of Rip's magic. He's last seen as the airship is on the way to another rendezvous with the Queen A's Revenge, after which both he and the thread fizzle out into the mists of role-playing-gamedom.

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