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Errant Story Volume Three is now in stock!

Errant Story Volume Three is here! The books arrived on Thursday afternoon, and this time dealing with them at the warehouse was an entirely different experience. Well, maybe not THAT different, we still had to move 75 boxes of books by hand, but at least this time getting them off the truck was easier and we didn’t look like idiots.

Poe proceeded to spend virtually every waking minute of the next couple days signing books. Actually, he’s been signing books since Wednesday, since a lot of the pre-orders included other books or prints and we thought it’d be nice to ship everything signed.

Meanwhile I started shipping orders. I only managed to get about 50 out on Thursday because we got started so late, but with a couple hours of help from our friend and fellow D&D player Beth, we got another couple hundred or so done on Friday. Today, a helpful fan named Ethan volunteered, and in four hours managed to pack up a ton more orders for us while we chatted about D&D, comics, and cats. So now we’re all caught up on shipping, though today’s orders won’t go out until Monday… but still, the pre-orders are now done, which means Errant Story Volume Three is now in stock and can be ordered at will!


P.S. The pre-order gift was a limited edition bookmark, but we have a few left that you can purchase from the store if you want one.