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Our Schedule for Ikasucon

Here’s our schedule for Ikasucon!

Friday, 6PM to 8PM: Ninja Dwarves in Space

A rocket ship lands upon a pristine alien planet, and as the brave square-chinned captain and his hearty crew exit in their environmental suits, they’re eaten by a magical purple dragon. Now ask yourself… what genre are you reading again? Crossing and mixing genres can be fun and unpredictable, taking stories in directions readers (and creators) never expected. Join Errant Story’s Poe and Impy as they talk about which great genre tastes taste great together, and how to find the perfect flavoring for your own cross-convention mashup.

Saturday, 3PM to 5PM: The Cruel Reality of Professional Webcomics

It’s a little-known and terrifying truth that creating a well-drawn, well-written work is actually the easy part of making a living off a webcomic. The hard part is to get people to pay you for it. Join Poe and Impy of Errant Story as they crunch numbers, talk plans, and shine a spotlight on the seedy, underground world of being a professional webcomicker.

Sunday, 11AM to 1PM: How to Write Tropes, Clichés, and Mary Sues… And Get Away With It!

From Lina Inverse to Luke Skywalker, from looking for long lost loves to finally winning that big game, popular media is rife with tropes, clichés, and Mary Sues. How do writers get away with it? Join Errant Story’s Michael Poe and Hilary Hatch as they discuss the little tricks for making “tried and true” feel fresh and new.

We will be sneaking the following bonus panel into the same time slot as The Cruel Reality of Professional Webcomics:

Saturday, 4PM to 5PM: Author vs Editor: Deathmatch!

Authors and editors historically get along about as well as water and sodium, and when they’re a husband and wife pair, the chances someone’s going to get a pen stabbed in their eye go up dramatically. Come watch the carnage as Poe and Impy of Errant Story discuss the role of the editor in independent comics – from snuffing out speeling erors to setting page counts. When it comes to cooperating in the creative process, there’s a reason corrections are in red!

All credit/blame for the panel descriptions goes to Viking-Sensei. When we’re not at a panel, you can find us in the Dealer’s Hall, or wandering about the con when the Dealer’s Hall closes.
