> Errant Story » Archive » Timeline of the Universe

Timeline of the Universe

One of the things I’ve been after Poe to do for the last eight years is putting together a timeline of the Errant Universe so that he could have a tidy visual representation of all the loose data in his head (and I could know what was going on and plan/edit accordingly). Last week, he finally got to it and gave me a list of dates and events, which I then asked him a billion annoying questions about. I put everything he told me into a quick visual arrangement which was so awesome to finally see that I did it a second time (removing all the spoilers) just so that I could share it with all of you.

And so, without further ado, I give you the fruits of Poe’s brain!


Click the image to see the timeline in all its gigantic, complicated glory.

Click the image to see the timeline in all its gigantic, complicated glory.