Ichiro Hinadori

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First Appearance: 2004/08/16
Appears In: Chapter 8
08/16, 08/18

Chapter 28
07/16, 07/18
Mentioned In: 2002/12/23, 2004/08/09, 2004/08/13, 2004/08/20, 2007/06/22, 2007/06/25, 2007/07/02, 2007/10/08

Meji's grandfather is a member of the high council of Tsuirakushiti. It was his decision to put Meji in school when she was chronologically old enough, even though she was far behind her age group in physical development. He also was responsible for letting Bani know that Meji was, in fact, only a year younger than Bani. As Bani puts it, he's kind of an asshat, in case you couldn't tell.

When Rarune comes calling in Tsuirakushiti, gramps (or, if you prefer, Councilman Hinadori) is present at the warp gate, with his daughter Miyo (aka Meji's Mom), for an exchange of diplomatic pleasantries. You sort of have to wonder what genius on the city council thought it would be a good idea for the guy whose dim daughter Rarune knocked up on his last visit to be there. He manages to bring this off with a certain dignity, though, and doesn't try to avenge his daughter's honor with magical or physical violence. Is that because he lacks guts, doesn't care, or even approved of her getting pregnant? Who knows?

Curiously, his given name has never been mentioned.

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