The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 16:23, 19 November 2006 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of 17 November 2006, the Ensigerum's plan to draw out and crush the Gewehr Wraiths has met something of a reverse, due to the unexpected appearance of Sarine Elle in the middle of an intimate little tête-a-tête between overconfident Ensigerum honcho Warrel, his trainee Sara Amraphel, and the latter's brother Jon, who had been previously designated as the victim. This nearly had fatal results for the unsuspecting Sarine, but even Warrel couldn't handle bullets coming at him from one side and a magic-using, 3000-year-old Special Forces fighter on the other. The three survivors, after a typically good-natured exchange of insults, have gone off to have a private conversation, as soon as Sara wakes up from being cold-cocked by her bro (and maybe, as soon as they've rescued Ellis).

While they're off musing about old times and politics, the scene has shifted to somewhere in the Northern Confederacy, where a merry bar fight has broken out following the discovery of certain of Riley's oddities. Armed intervention by Leah may or may not be bringing this to a premature conclusion, however. And we don't know -- yet -- what Meji Hinadori and the divinely-supercharged Ian Samael are up to.

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