The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 02:46, 3 January 2008 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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For older versions, see Current events/Archive. SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of January 2008, a new chapter is starting, so we're at a temporary full stop on a slew of threads. Ian has regained consciousness following his backstabbing by Sandel, but in the Ensigerum village, not Emerylon. En route to consciousness, he's had a poignant dream -- or half-conscious reminiscence, hard to be sure -- about his childhood with his sister Evelyn, Riley and Leah. He's also had a ghastly nightmare/hallucination about a fearsome, demonic being that may be Anilis, who's still in residence somewhere within his psyche. This woke him up in a crazed, mad state, but Anita, who sees real potential in the boy, talked him down to normality, and has started to coax him into an anti-elf alliance. (Her lieutenant Paul, who's furious with Ian for doing so much damage to Emerylon where Paul's from originally, doesn't think this is a very good idea, but oh well.)

Meanwhile, Sarine, Jon and Sara have traveled into the Elven Territories via travel platform, with various entertaining vignettes along the way, for example a "horrific" song about Tarragon the Troll and Doodah the Dragon. Unfortunately, their plans to slip quietly into Praenubilus Astu have been interrupted by an elf patrol that materialized at just the right time to bag the whole bunch of them. The last shoe has surely not dropped here, although the chapter has ended. In the middle of it all, Meji and Ellis are in an elven prison somewhere, we know not where, but will surely find out ...

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