Ikazuchi Maru

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An airship, first seen (or at least first named) in the run-up to the grand climactic battle in Praenubilus Astu. It is part of the fleet that the Tsuirakuans are sending to the underground city as follow-up to the advance party consisting of Sarine, the Amraphels, Captain Aphel, and so on.

It's notable as the sister ship to the Akizuki Maru, which the Senilisized Meji Hinadori "borrows" so that she can get to the elven city and join the fun. Unfortunately, airships don't travel fast enough to fit Meji's needs. (Senilisated or not, the girl's attention span isn't much to brag about.) Accordingly, she decides to speed up the process by opening up a wormhole in space, through which the two ships disappear with a poit, presumably to re-emerge somewhere in the vicinity of Praenubilus Astu. And there, for the moment, the matter rests.

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