The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 15:32, 6 February 2007 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of 1 February 2007, the action is in Santuariel, where the divinely-supercharged Ian Samael has discovered a mission in life to make up for his failure to save his recently-deceased sister Evelyn: curing his fellow half elves of the various things that make some of them Errants. (Riley, to the delight and anticipation of a bunch of readers, has declined to get her little bit of anatomical uniqueness fixed.) The action takes a lot out of him, and he can only do just so many Omega-Heals at a time without collapsing from the effort and needing lots of rest. He's acquired an unexpected guardian/mother figure to help deal with the crowds when this happens: Meji Hinadori, who for once in her life is showing some maturity and concern for others (Ian, that is, not the crowds). Some of the people that he can't help before he collapses aren't terribly happy to be left un-healed, understandably enough; whether the dark rumblings from the uncured crowd are a portent of things to come isn't yet clear.

We haven't seen any scenes of the rest of the world for quite a while now. The last time we saw Sarine and Jon, they'd survived a close call in combat against the late time ninja Warrel and were going off to find Meji, reluctantly accompanied by Jon's "little sister magic zombie of slicey death," Sara. That was a few days ago in story time, so who knows where they are now. Life in Praenubilus Astu may also be getting interesting as the elves mobilize forces of their own to look for Meji and Ian; we just don't know. And Anita is due to discover that all of the little character flaws that Paul observed in Warrel turned out to be fatal flaws, which she's unlikely to take with much equanimity...

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