Errant Road

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Errant Road is a free-form, multi-player on-line role-playing game loosely based on the Poe-verse. It operates as a sub-section of the Forum; URL for the sub-forum is Anyone with a registered username on the Forum is welcome to participate, under conditions laid out in this thread.

The geography, nations, etc., of the world of Errant Road are broadly similar, but not necessarily identical, to those in the main story. However, characters in the main story generally do not appear in Errant Road, except as incidental references, nor (in general) do characters in Errant Road have any particular prospects of appearing later in the main story. (There is, however, some overlap between the characters of Errant Road and the Fun with Familiars omake.) The Poe-verse nations of Tsuiraku (including both Tsuirakushiti and Kiyoka, setting for the initial Errant Road episodes), Veracia, Farrel, and the Northern Confederacy (including Salvus) are referenced in Errant Road. Participants' characters are humans and at least one troll, with an Errant having appeared as a non-player character (NPC) and preparations in place for an elven NPC that has not appeared yet. The Gewehr Wraiths and Veracian Church play significant roles (although under circumstances not necessarily corresponding to those in the Poe-verse), and there have been references to the Ensigerum, battlemages, and so on.

Impy reminds participants of these terms of service:

  1. Everyone agrees to play by the rules forever and ever amen, even if CAS (Caffeine Angel Studios) later decides to refine/change them.
  2. Poe has first dibs to IP stuff, since he has a lot planned already and odds are fair that someone will step on some piece of it. A review of the board rules will reveal that we already have an unlimited license to use anything produced here, but I'm going to take it one step further and say that any characters, settings, storylines, etc. that are created for this board may not be used anywhere else, by anyone else, except by Poe or his legally authorized agents acting on his behalf. This isn't trying to be mean, this is just protecting Poe's career... as well as trying to prevent any future squabbling over creative rights, since this will be a collaborative game. Incidentally, this applies to non-participants as well.
  3. Poe will never read the game, he is not allowed to do so. That way, we all KNOW any future similarities are coincidence.
  4. Play nice with each other, but this doesn't have to extend to the characters.
  5. Graphic violence, to some extent, is permissible in this game. Try not to go overboard. Also, please fade to black rather than incorporating graphic sex.
  6. Any other rules the board mods or game players choose to add are appended to this, provided they do not contradict anything else I've already said here.
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