Praenubilus Astu

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Praenubilus Astu

Type: Underground Elf City
Nation: Cimmerii
Location: Somewhere in the Elven Territories
Sarine teleported off to some overwrought, underground, ridiculously ornate elven city when she got back from her unsettling encounter with Kawaii and Nookie. We don't know for sure that it's Praenubilus Astu, but there's pretty strong evidence that it is. The image of it that she sees on arrival suggests a combination of Manhattan, second-rate but gaudy hotel on the Las Vegas Strip, and underground missile complex in North Korea. No wonder she doesn't like the place.


Apparently its exact location is a carefully guarded secret, unknown to the general population of non-elves.

The road to Praenubilus Astu

As Sarine explains here, all the old and ruined Elven Travel platforms were retrofitted with the latest Elven tech, while keeping their scruffy appearance. This gives the Rangers a private travel network, seperate from the Tsuirakuan one


As we discover here, that Praenubilus Astu is the last of the elven capitals and that all the others were destroyed in the Errant War. Sarine gives a quick rundown, referencing the human names;

Farrel - Buldings built into the sides of trees. They were indefensible and destroyed early on.
unknown - Something like Tsuiraku but even more pretentious.
Emerylon, Veracia - Medieval style city with a big castle made of gold. It was destroyed and then looted. A thousand years later, it became the site of present-day Emerylon.

In this same conversation, it was confirmed that Praenubilus Astu is indeed the last of the elven cities, the capital of the Cimmerii, and that most of the remaining Elves live there. Further, that Praenubilus Astu only survived because it is buried deeply underground, inside the mountain.

Poe Notes:|

From 18Dec07

"Seth": Just because they're in an underground magical city doesn't mean that they don't Eat, Drink, Crap, & Breathe. There almost has to be a service entrance, sewer line, underground-river, or air shaft that they can exploit.
"Poe": Those and all emergency escape routes are made in such a way that trying to enter the city through them would be extremly difficult too suicidal to do.
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