Malcolm, James, and/or the Pottle boy

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Members of the Random Bully's gang in Saus, where they mug the unsuspecting Chris. They then make the mistake of inviting Meji Hinadori to the mugging, whereupon they discover, in a terminally messy fashion, that Meji is a lot more of a badass than any of them are.

We don't know who is who in this bunch; it's unclear whether "the Pottle boy" is one of Malcolm/James or someone else, and the Random Bully himself may be one of these three (two?). We likewise aren't sure they're really living-impaired, but getting launched into the air and/or having a two-ton rock materialize and fall on you really does tend to ruin your day. (RB himself definitely did escape, to be tracked down by Sarine Elle.)

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