Northern Confederacy

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Revision as of 23:18, 26 January 2006 by Kestenvarn (Talk | contribs)
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The Northern Confederacy is what they're calling whatever the hell lies north of the Veracian continent these days. It has in past epochs been known as The Dwarf Lands, The Wastelands, and Troll Country, depending.


The Northern Confederacy is probably the only non-elven derived civilization in the comic (not that it warrents the distinction much, to hear people tell it). The core of it's population seems to have been formed by human tribal bands that sometime during the Elven Golden Age civilized themselves when nobody was looking. They probably directly benefitted from the Elves' banishment of thier humans at the end of the Errant War, and again from refugees fleeing the expanding Veracian Church.

The Northerners appear to have benefitted somewhat from dwarven relics in their territory, and are responsible for the introduction of fire-arms in the Errant Story universe. They were responsible for one of the Veracian Church's bloodiest defeats when they stopped an attempted expansion into their territory, an event Veracia's armies still haven't recovered from. There are some bizarre rumors being spread about the nation in Tsuiraku...


The impression given so far is that Northern culture is more than a little barbaric, some cities more than others.


The Northern Confederacy contains the city of Salvus. The island sanctuary of Santuariel likely lies somewhere close to its borders...

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