The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 03:57, 6 March 2011 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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For older versions, see Current events/Archive. SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of 4 March 2011, the action is back in Praenubilus Astu, where the destruction of the Great Statue of Anilis is affording Jon an opportunity for some great snarkage. (Who would have imagined that "Planet of the Apes" was known in the Poe-verse? Not to be outdone, Nookie gets in a little snarkage of her own, playing resident art critic.) However, it's also giving him, his sister, Sarine and their Tsuirakuan buddies a sense of what they're up against.

Not to worry, though: help is on the way, not just in the form of the expected airship fleet, but also from some unexpected passengers. Meji has used her Senilisized powers to force her way onto one of the ships, causing General Izayoi to decide that he'd better go along to keep her company. This, in turn, causes Meji's friend Bani Igaaru, who was simply loading up the airship with supplies as grunt labor, to get dragooned into going as well. Bani's initial reaction was mainly shock at her friend's grossly amplified magical capabilities (she did a great double take on realizing that Meji was flying), but by now it has dawned on her that this isn't going to be exactly a low-risk junket. The Errant Commentary at the end of the recently-completed chapter makes this point too, not entirely to the liking of Misa, who sees herself being predicted to fill the red-shirted-ensign role. Whether this assessment is accurate remains to be seen.

In news of the wiki itself, almost all the pages seem to be displaying archived episodes properly now, although there might be some stragglers. And of course, Errant Road is still chock full of adventures and curious characters. Finally, note the successful launch of a new Poe daily, Does Not Play Well With Others; check here for what's going on in that world.

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