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Shadowy "sales representative" of the Gewehr Wraiths. He is introduced here, trying to negotiate a deal with a priest of the Veracian Church who'd like to see a fellow priest (Winston Maurel), er, pruned from the tree of righteousness Luminosita style. Of course, we all know that this engagement is a fiendish plot by the Ensigerum to draw the Wraiths out and not merely crush them but discredit them. Mr. Gabriel doesn't know that, however, or at least if he does, he isn't letting on.

Assassins being what they are, there's every chance that "Mr. Gabriel" is a pseudonym and this guy's name is something else. Until we find out what that something else is, "Mr. Gabriel" will have to do. He is shown surrounded by large, steak-faced people who have an assassin-ish feel to them. He and his colleagues have done Jon the probably great disservice of not using an alias in place of his name, so that the Ensigerum know there's a Jon out there somewhere in Gewehr land that they're likely going to try to snuff. This, of course, is a screwup necessary to plot development, therefore forgivable and indeed inevitable.

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