The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 04:07, 8 October 2010 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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For older versions, see Current events/Archive. SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of 7 August 2010, all the forces are coming together for a grand set-to at Praenubilus Astu. Ianilis and the Ensigerum have arrived, Ian has started to raise an army of zombies, and apparently, the attack has started, with results as yet unknown. At least that's the way it all looks as seen from Tsuirakushiti, where a testy teleconference between elven high mucky-mucks and Councilman Ichiro Hinadori (Meji's grandfather) got interrupted and a "looping" emergency message from the skyless city started to be received in its wake. Gramps has figured out that all is not well, and has ordered the release of prisoners Sarine Elle and Jon and Sara Amraphel, so that they can join the fleet of Tsuirakuan airships heading to the elven capital to see what's going on.

What's going on with Meji herself? Very good question, without a clear answer yet. She dropped in earlier on her old instructor, Professor Yukiri, to explain what was wrong with all the textbooks in his office. It's fair to say that this gave him something of a jolt, but apparently some kind of order has been restored and Meji is under observation, although Sarine and the Amraphels have been given strict instructions not to take her along to Praenubilus Astu.

All told, we're heading for a grand climax to the story here. Stay tuned.

In news of the wiki itself, almost all the pages seem to be displaying archived episodes properly now, although there might be some stragglers. And of course, Errant Road is still chock full of adventures and curious characters.

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