Hilary Hatch

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Also known as "Impy" or "The Scary Little Redhead Girl"

Born July 31, 1984, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Hilary grew up out in the middle of nowhere, and watched with great sorrow as it slowly became more and more residential and less and less open. In 2003 she gave up on that particular bit of no-longer-countryside and moved to Cincinnati to be closer to her classes and friends.

In 2000, Hilary discovered webcomics, and in 2001 she found Exploitation Now. As a long time comics and anime fangirl, she was instantly hooked. When the story ended, she was one of the many fans who followed Poe to Errant Story, even going so far as to cosplay as Meji at a local anime convention. She joined the Kyhm Forums in August of 2003, and became embedded in the fan community.

In the spring of 2004 Hilary caught herself turning from fan to scary fangirl, and in an effort to cure herself of the tendency, announced her resolve to stop reading Errant Story or participating in the Errant Story part of the forum. In order to fill the new and vast amounts of free time this created, she then joined the Fantasy Powers League. An offhand comment on the general forum allowed Poe (also a member of the FPL) to track Hilary down in an attempt to discover the reason for her sudden departure, and the two developed a friendship. Eventually, this friendship became a romance, and on July 14, 2004 they finally met face to face when Poe traveled to Cincinnati for the first annual forum get-together Hilary had arranged at Ikasucon. The two discovered that they liked each other even better in person, and a few months later decided to live together. On March 17, 2005, Hilary and Poe became engaged. They intend to marry in the fall of 2006.

While living together, after months of watching Poe struggle to keep up with all the business work and art required to build his career, Hilary took over a few of the business tasks in an effort to make things a bit easier for him. Oddly enough, she discovered a talent for it, and in June of 2005 she quit her own full time job to take over the business and marketing side of Caffeine Angel Studios permanently.

Today, Hilary is balancing a growing career with Caffeine Angel Studios with her continued efforts to obtain her degrees in Art History and Asian Studies. Her limited free time is spent with Michael or her friends, or working on more costumes of his characters.

Contact Details

See Also: About Errant Story, Michael Poe.

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