The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 21:55, 1 December 2007 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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For older versions, see Current events/Archive. SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of December 2007, Ian has regained consciousness following his back-stabbing in Emerylon, and is now Anita's guest in the Ensigerum Village, although he sports an impressive scar from the wound he got. He's showing some emotional wounds as well: en route to wakefulness, he had a big-time nightmare involving a giant, enraged elven deity on the warpath -- presumably Anilis. As a result, he wasn't in the best of moods on awakening, but Anita's ministrations seem to have calmed him down. Her second-in-command Paul didn't think this was such a great idea and just about tossed Ian off a high roof, but Anita intervened, and Paul has now gone off to sulk. (Anita thinks this is partly because Paul is originally from Emerylon, and she suspects that he still has family connections there -- rather at odds with the Ensigerum's usual expectation that its recruits will cut ties with their past. The implications of this aren't fully clear yet.) She's now trying to get Ian to partner with the Ensigerum against someone, probably the elves.

No news from other sites in the Poe-verse, although conversations have made it clear that the damage Ian inflicted on Emerylon wasn't just confined to the Veracian Church.

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