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A non-player character in the Errant Road on-line free-form role-playing game, on stage briefly but significantly. Needless to say, he doesn't exist in the Poe-verse. His first appearance is here, dispatching an apparently rabid dog.

Ledos is a half elf living in the smugglers' nest of Nautkia when PCs Lillith, Sister Rose, etc., show up there in pursuit of the mysteriously fugitive Father Egbert. He's one of several half elves who have been eking out a precarious living there, taking advantage of the fact that the inhabitants of Nautkia are too busy profiting from their smuggling rackets, and occasionally feuding with each other, to worry about half elves in their midst. At least that's the way things look when the PCs arrive. Unfortunately, a Peregin has recently moved to town, looking for Errants to dispatch, and as usual for elves, not being too picky about whether a half elf is actually an Errant or not. Leofric, leader of the band of half elves, understandably takes this as a sign that the band has overstayed their welcome, and it's time to go back to Santuariel where they came from. Leofric manages to get the assistance of Lillith (who's also terrified of Peregins and the world as a whole, and wants desperately to go back home herself) in a scheme to sail away on a ship belonging to smuggler Lucy Kankaniel.

This all seems like a tidy solution to the half-elves' problem, but alas, there are two complications. First, Lucy Kankaniel is the sister of Father Egbert, who's also retained his sister's services to get smuggled out of town for not-yet-clear reasons. Second, Ledos really is an Errant. At the climax of the Nautkia thread, as the half elves are boarding Lucy's ship (after Egbert's demise), Ledos shows his Errant-ish tendency to shoot first and ask questions later, and unleashes a magical barrage that almost incinerates several of the PCs. His partner and fellow Errant Antoni manages to knock him out before he can complete the assault, and the ship sails away with the Nautkian half elves aboard -- but without the devastated Lillith, who goes on to have years (real time) of further adventures with the PCs.

All in all, for someone who only appears in about half a dozen Errant Road postings, he's a rather significant fellow, and in his way, quite a tragic one. One hopes that he, Antoni, Leofric, and their colleagues do make it to Santuariel and live happily ever after, but they're never heard from again in the game.

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