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Type: Capital City
Nation: Tsuiraku
Location: Floating over the Continent of Tsuiraku, old Rinkai territory

Tsuirakushiti (lit. "City of Tsuiraku") is a magical floaty place probably created thousands of years ago. Then it disappeared because of a mysterious cloaking device, it reappeared 200 years ago, when Veracia failed at trying to take the elven territories. Its economy is mostly based on tentacle porn.

Tsuirakushiti is the capital of Tsuiraku. This is where Meji is from.


Construction of Tsuirakushiti started two thousand years ago, just before the fall of Malacia, as the first true half-elven city. Loosely based on Malacia's design, this city used the same concepts but taken to another level. Instead of a giant building, like Malacia, they took the entire top off a mountain, inverted it, hollowed it out for flight systems, and built Tsuirakushiti on the top of it. About a year after the fall of Malacia and after the first major stage of contruction was completed, it disappeared, triggering the Errant War.

Eighteen hundred years later Tsuirakushiti was forced from its long period of cloaked isolation by Veracia's ill-advised and abortive attempt, using Luminosita, to topple the barrier the elves had erected between their remaining territory and the outside world. The resulting magical blast damaged Tsuirakushiti's cloaking mechanisms beyond rapid repair, revealing the 1800 year old city to the world. This happened two hundred years before the present story.

The Tsuirakushiti leadership then made a deal with the Farrelites, the then owners of the island chain, which was a former Rinkai territory. While the nature of the deal is not exactly known, Tsuirakushiti acquired the entire island chain and formed the Nation of Tsuiraku. Seemingly in exchange, they began to upgrade Farrel's technology base and economy for them, including the installation of Warp gates in various Farrelite cities. Other technological innovations, such as airships and their ports, and materials technology improved Farrelite lifestyles and the standard of living. A fact not lost upon the Veracian Church is that Tsuiraku effectively supplanted Veracia's influence in Farrel, to the joy of the Farrelites since they no longer have the bleak prospect of being absorbed by Veracia to look forward to.

Points of interest

See Also

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