The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 16:18, 27 July 2007 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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For older versions, see Current events/Archive. SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of 6 July 2007, the action is in Tsuirakushiti, specifically in the pad of Meji's Mom, who we've learned is named Miyo Hinadori. Her recently-introduced housekeeper Nanoa has admitted two parties of visitors, one composed of Jon, Sara and Ellis (the latter using all manner of colorful descriptions for Miyo, who calls him "the monster"), the other of a worried Sarine, having extricated herself from the festivities at the warp gate. She has learned that her bluff with the portal mages and their security force wasn't a bluff: the elven ambassador (the love-'em-and-leave-em specialist Rarune) really is coming to town soon, accompanied by an "honor guard" that Sarine and Jon suspect is coming along not for ceremonial reasons but to snatch Meji, or worse. Sarine and Jon are trying to convince Meji (who'd rather stay to meet her dad, having forgotten what a bad idea this is) to go into hiding to avoid this unpleasant eventuality. Miyo, for her part, would like to relive the one-night stand she had with Rarune about 18 years back, of which Meji is the result, and is a lot more upbeat about the prospect of Rarune visiting again than the others are.

Elsewhere in the Poe-verse, nothing new. Meji has mentioned to Jon that Ian "did some teenaged magical godling angst bomb crap and disappeared," but we haven't seen anything in Santuariel or elsewhere to explain exactly what, where or why. And we can assume that Anita's murderous plans move forward, but no news on that front either.

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