The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 01:00, 15 August 2007 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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For older versions, see Current events/Archive. SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of 13 August 2007, the action is in Emerylon, where Ian Samael is raining destruction, if not necessarily death, down from the heavens on the headquarters of the Veracian Church -- we don't know why. Patriarch Jeramel and various underlings have sought shelter from the barrage while summoning Luminosita to do battle. This didn't work out well, however, as a quiet Dispel from Ian seems to have discombobulated Luminosita, with some collateral damage. All manner of shoes remain to be dropped here.

Meanwhile, back in Tsuirakushiti, Sarine Elle has linked up with Meji Hinadori, Ellis, Jon Amraphel and Sara Amraphel at Meji's Mom's place, and filled them in on the impending visit of Meji's elven father Rarune. Meji's mom (who, we've learned, is named Miyo Hinadori) was overjoyed to get this bit of news from Meji's Grandfather, to the point that Sarine, who sees the down side of the horny cad that Miyo misses, has resorted to a mild ... shaping ... of the truth so that she can spirit Meji away from the elven military force coming with him. Sarine, Meji, Ellis, Jon and Sara have found a hidey-hole in the form of the apartment of Meji's friend Bani, while Miyo and her father have gone to the welcoming reception for the elven party. This hasn't had the expected shattering effect on Miyo yet -- at least not on stage. But it will, it will.

No news from the Ensigerum village or any of the other important locations in the story, but it's expected that when the ambitious Anita hears that something has taken a large bite out of the Veracian Church, she'll line up for her share of the church's corpse.

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