The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 17:27, 9 September 2007 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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For older versions, see Current events/Archive. SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

As of 8 September 2007, the Anilis-possessed Ian Samael has just taken a nasty hit in the chambers of the Veracian Church, which he invaded following some destructive spellcasting and a tussle with the seemingly-defunct Luminosita. Before getting carved up, he'd started a dialogue of sorts with the intimidated Jeramel for the purpose of finding out where the elves live. Jeramel claimed (in a state of near hysteria) not to know this little trivium, which Ian couldn't believe; time will tell whether he's lying to conceal the knowledge, or the Veracians really don't know. Ian may or may not be in a state to receive the information when it's imparted -- the sword wound looks pretty lethal, but there are probably some surprises coming...

No news in the last month from any of the other story sites: Tsuirakushiti, where Jon Amraphel, his sister Sara, Sarine Elle and Meji Hinadori (and Ellis) are hunkered down to dodge the appearance of an elven diplomatic party including Meji's father Rarune, or the Ensigerum village, where Anita and Paul are still stewing over the failure of the Winston Maurel ambush, and of course, plotting violence.

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