The Heretic Knowledge Vault:Current events

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Revision as of 13:59, 8 October 2007 by Graybeard (Talk | contribs)
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For older versions, see Current events/Archive. SPOILERIFIC! Read the comic first!

Lots of stuff going on right now. As of 8 October 2007, the action is in Tsuirakushiti, which is recovering from an energy pulse that did weird things to its levitation system. Meji Hinadori has made a typically impetuous decision to go see her pop, who's in town as part of an elven diplomatic mission and is at a party that Meji is trying to crash. Not too surprisingly, this didn't go well, as she and Ellis got snatched by a bouncer (or is it death squad? we don't know yet...) at the door. Fortunately, Bani's dad heard her leaving his apartment (where the merry crew has holed up), and while engaging in a bit of fantasizing regarding Sarine Elle, tipped Sarine off to this goofy quest. Sarine, Jon Amraphel and his sister Sara are about to go try to get Meji out of whatever mess she's gotten herself into.

Other fun stuff has happened at the diplomatic party. Meji's mother Miyo, unlike her daughter, was actually invited to the thing, since her own father is one of the high mucky-mucks who met Rarune and his honor guard at the warp gate and are squiring them around. Something -- we don't know exactly what yet, but we can guess -- happened there that caused Miyo to leave the party early and get roaring drunk, or vice versa. She's now at home pouring her inebriated heart out to Sarine, Jon and Sara (and, on the side, her servant Nanoa) as they try to persuade her to smuggle them into the party somehow.

Meanwhile, the carnage in Emerylon has (temporarily?) come to a surprise ending. Ian Samael, whom we last saw being incapacitated if not downright filleted by a sword back-stab after doing all manner of damage at the Veracian Church headquarters (and causing that Tsuirakushiti-disturbing energy pulse), is down and out. His assailant turned out to be the unexpected Sandel, apparently an Ensigerum monk who infiltrated the guard force protecting Jeramel and the other Church big shots. After doing a bit of gloating, he's departed, stage right and at monkish speed, with the splattered Ian as a present for his boss Anita.

On top of it all, in the outside world, there's a redesign of the home page, and a brand new Forum for fans to have fun with.

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