Chapter summaries

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See also Chapter timelines for summaries of start and end dates for chapters.

Table of Contents
Prologue: I Used to Believe

Chapter 1: Psychotic Mage Chick
Chapter 2: Dead Leaves
Chapter 3: The Best of Intentions
Chapter 4: Attachments
Chapter 5: Where Do We Go When We Just Don't Know...
Chapter 6: A Fork in the Road
Chapter 7: Travel Sick
Chapter 8: Lost in the Distant Horizon
Chapter 9: Worn Paths
Chapter 10: Antique lands
Chapter 11: Half Sunk
Chapter 12: Shattered Visage
Chapter 13: Don't Want This
Chapter 14: Which Yet Survive
Chapter 15: That Dream Where You...
Chapter 16: Stamped on These Lifeless Things
Chapter 17: Expectations
Chapter 18: An Interlude...
Chapter 19: Burden In My Hand
Chapter 20: 'Home Again, Home Again...'
Chapter 21: 'Flying Away'
Chapter 22: 'Cold Commands'
Chapter 23: 'Killers'
Chapter 24: If I Ever Leave This World Alive
Chapter 25: Meanwhile...
Chapter 26: Nothing Beside Remains
Chapter 27: Out of Reach
Chapter 28: Come Round

I Used to Believe

Prologue Archive

A pregnant elf (Sarine Elle) worries to her mate about the health and safety of her half elf child in a world where the half elves are sometimes born “wrong” and elves and half elves are at war. Her husband tries to reassure her.

Two thousand years pass. Sarine appears as a mysterious cloaked figure in a western-style town. She asks questions of the locals and approaches a man drinking alone in a bar (Derren Felmel). A short conversation about local murders unnerves the man. Sarine apologizes (to whom is not made clear), then cuts his throat and resumes travel as a mysterious cloaked figure.

Psychotic Mage Chick

Chapter Archive

A young half elf girl (Meji Hinadori) discusses with her familiar (Ellis) her predicament in school. She is failing and needs a spectacular senior project in order to graduate. In class, she announces her intention of becoming “An Insane, All-Powerful Demigod” and enslaving all of reality. This announcement is greeted with laughter and doubt, rather than surprise or horror. Her teacher, Professor Yukiri, attempts to dissuade her, but gives up when it becomes apparent that Meji has no plan at all, and likely won’t even make it out into the world sufficiently to be in danger.

Angered by being ridiculed, Meji attempts actual research. Thanks to a Deus ex Machina spell, she discovers that precisely the information she needs to accomplish her task may be located in the "Heretic Knowledge Vault" in Veracia. Meji is determined to locate the power she needs to show up her teacher and classmates, so she begins her journey by taking a warp gate to Saus.

Dead Leaves

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Introduction of the Ensigerum, though they are not named in the story yet. A monk (Warrel) times a girl (Sara Amraphel) as she eliminates a room full of men armed with guns. The girl is berated by her teacher for even as a novice allowing one of the Gewehr to so much as put a bullet hole in her sleeve.

In Saus, Meji and Ellis witness several men bullying a naïve young man, and are threatened by the bullies. Meji “resists” the bullies with perhaps excessive force. The young man (Chris) expresses his gratitude at length. Meji and Ellis finally turn invisible to escape the wannabe hero’s chatter and resume their journey only after he’s gone.

Outside town, Meji encounters a group of police searching for a Gewehr assassin. The assassin (Jon Amraphel) attempts to use her as a hostage. Meji electrocutes the police and threatens to turn in Jon for a bounty. He saves Meji’s life and decides to travel with her and pretend to be her bodyguard.

The Best of Intentions

Chapter Archive

Jon reveals that the reason he is being hunted by the police is that he was turned in after an assassination. He and Meji journey to Emerylon together before splitting up. There, Jon is ordered by his boss to lay low indefinitely, and there is a brief discussion of the recent Ensigerum attack.

Meanwhile, Meji breaks into the church library (setting off a Dispel Trap and having a merry melee with some NPC Guards along the way), only to discover that another half elf (Ian Samael) is already there and he has the book she wants. Upon being discovered by a nun, he and Meji escape the library together. Jon leaves the Gewehr hideout just in time to be informed by a search party that two mages tried to burn down the vault.


Chapter Archive

Sarine, in Saus as she tracks the errants, has a painful flashback to the death of her husband/mate. This is interrupted by a random townsperson who confides to Sarine that a terrifying mage is on the loose and has trashed some young men of the town (who, of course, were the ones who had tormented Chris, and thus had it coming). The intelligence source gets annoying and is eventually commanded by Sarine to go away, as she tries to get over the flashback.

Outside Emerylon, Jon meets up with Meji and Ian. After a bit of male bonding, they all decide to travel together, and Ian reveals that his reason for wanting the book is to heal his sister and some others from his village who are sick.

Camped down for the night, the trio discusses the prevailing explanations for the existence of the various races in the world. Meanwhile, Sarine terrifies the surviving bully from Saus.

Where Do We Go When We Just Don't Know...

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A long, portentous chapter that opens with Ian explaining to Meji why he's on his quest and why he has no use for elves. They start making sense out of the mysterious book, Meji noting that there appear to be coordinates for something and allowing that a battlemage friend of hers (Bani) knows more about the subject than she does. Following a carefully staged but ultimately unsuccessful attempt by Meji to get Ian interested in her "nubile, pert young body" (sic -- drollery from Ellis follows), the party continues to Saus. There, things get lively.

Jon, who has decided to sneak into town via the rooftops, has an unfortunate misstep that leads to an encounter with "Polly," the "seamstress" who busted Jon earlier. While he's disentangling himself from this, Sarine attempts to report back to the elves, but rather than getting aid from fellow rangers, is surprised and annoyed to have summoned Toren, who is an elven military commander, and an elven military unit. Toren rather condescendingly dismisses Sarine and stages an ambush for the half elves, which Ian however detects in time to avoid the worst of the magical assault. Jon, who's still trying to escape from Polly (and vice versa), hears the resulting fracas and goes to investigate...

A Fork in the Road

Chapter Archive

A violent melee breaks out between the elven military party and Jon and Ian, Meji being incapacitated by the disruption effects cast by Toren. Jon and Meji flee while Ian is still casting mighty fire spells (which have left much of the town in flames), and leave the area via a slow boat to avoid detection. En route to wherever they're going, Jon summons a memory that suggests a possible next step for the group's quest.

Meanwhile, Sarine (whose opinion of the elven raid was never high -- "Well... this certainly turned into a mess" -- and who was not part of the melee) has been healing wounded elven soldiers. She intimidates a Shipping Company Guy into telling her where Jon and Meji are going, but for reasons not yet revealed, chooses to conceal this information when she has an encounter in town with fellow elven ranger Sarna, whose opinion of humans is also not very high. Of course, her opinion of the elven army and the "Lead Dead Moron" (Toren) isn't very high either, and her body language suggests that she doesn't have a high opinion of much of anything. Condescension, we're beginning to learn, just comes pretty easily to elves.

Travel Sick

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Somewhere in northeastern Veracia, Imperatrix Anita is practicing her fighting skills. She's head of the Ensigerum, an order of fighting monks who lost most of their fighting skills because they don't need them anymore. Time magic is so much more convenient. The Imperatrix is not happy with the lack of ambition of her subjects either, who don't care about the world outside except to protect their village. Word of the incident at Saus has reached them, and so has Chris. He's the son of Correl, a former monk who risked his life to leave the order and obviously did not tell his son about the details of his departure. Chris is allowed to join the order, though his prospects are dim.

Over in Farrel, at the city of Taberna, Mandi is running a bar in memory of her father. Business is slow when her long-time-no-see buddy Jon shows up. But his arrival is not unexpected, as somebody had been asking questions about him and Meji. Mandi remembers a thing or two about Jon's good-hearted nature, and a flashback reveals that he was involved in some unspecified activities of which his mother did not approve. He still feels guilty about letting his little sister Sara down, but is living in denial.

Finally, the inquisitive hooded stranger shows up to have a chat. It's Sarine, whose beautifully pointed ears trigger a fierce reaction with Jon. Sarine is particularily interested in the book that was considered important enough to be hidden not only from humans and errants, but also from elves. Too bad it went missing in Saus, along with Ian. Jon's plan is to go chasing old wives' tales with Meji, for lack of something better to do. Sarine states her intention to help, though she is not very specific about it. During all this talk, Meji had been moping upstairs, travel sick or for some other reason. Her reaction to Sarine's ears is even fiercer than Jon's.

Lost in the Distant Horizon

Chapter Archive

Jon and Meji leave for Thranel, with a new twist: Sarine is coming along. Meji is not too fond of this, while Jon is not too fond of using a warp gate. Sarine displays her usefulness by giving Mandi an explanation for her destroyed guestroom, magical nocturnal emissions. Her attempt to disperse Jon's uneasiness about his first time by explaining the scientific details of warp travel is met with less success. At the warp gate in Taberna, Jon seems to be lucky since Thranel has no such device. After Meji throws a tantrum over travel runes, alternative means of travel are discussed, including Ellis transforming into his true form, which is not helpful. Eventually Port Lorrel is chosen as the next stop, for having a warp gate and being in walking distance from Thranel.

Arriving in Port Lorrel, Meji bumps into her old schoolmate Bani. Childhood memories arise... Bani being the new girl in school, making friends with the undergrown outsider Meji at the age of 14. We learn that not all familiars are winged cats, but some are micro tentacle monsters with password protected adult modes. Meji grew up in the house of her grandfather, who was also very supportive in jumpstarting her school career. Bani pointed out some future advantages of Meji's delayed aging, like dancing. Nowadays, Meji admits feelings for Ian, kind of.

Meanwhile, Jon and Sarine have an intimate talk at a nearby bistro, revealing not much of anything.

Worn Paths

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Meji, Sarine, Jon, and Ellis travel from Port Lorrel to Thranel. Meji is cranky because they are walking - except for Ellis who is flying - but Jon doesn't like horses. Ellis pisses everyone off, getting a flashy X-ray style spell in return. Sarine pisses everyone off as well, by using weird-ass names in her speech like everyone is supposed to know what they mean, which probably marks the first time that Jon and Ellis are in agreement about anything. The following short lesson in elven races is learned best by investigating the Heretic Knowledge Vault (not the real one - this one).

Sarine and Meji have a talk about Meji's roots. Her father Rarune, an elven ambassador showing up in Tsuirakushiti every twenty years, is not likely to be pleased about meeting his daughter. At night, Sarine is having a bath in some kind of river while Jon is guarding her against lurking perverts, not minding possible consequences. Meji is still moping occasionally, when she isn't causing explosions. Just when Sarine is about to start a really long lesson about elven history, the chapter ends.

Antique Lands

Chapter Archive

Sarine narrates elven history -- at length. The four elven races were at peace with eachother. It was their golden age, when dwarves had faded away, trolls were driven away, and the gods had walked away. An expedition looking for the dwarves instead stumbled across a new race, the humans. They were primitive, fragile, easy to impress, and looked vaguely like elves. The elves took the humans back home with them, for protection and study. They turned out to be quick in learning and reproduction, so they filled out the jobs in elven society for which there never was enough manpower before. Both races flourished.

Humans also turned out to be genetically compatible with elves. The elven fertility rate had always been marginal, so there was another gap that humans helped to fill. Compared to humans, half elves were stronger, faster, healthier, lived longer, and had more talent for magic. So, in order to improve on the human race, intercourse was intensified. Half elves took over most of the jobs previously filled by humans, which in turn retreated to manual labor. The only humans that were still teached directly by elves were gladiators, who received their training from the Viradior, an elven military elite force that had nothing else to do in those times of peace. Sarine herself was one of those Viradior training human gladiators.

Sarine explains, with just a hint of personal involvement, that direct coupling between humans and elves was still in fashion at the time. One of the reasons for that is that the human had the decency to die before the elf could get tired of the relationship, which is the closest analogy to love for an immortal. While many elves still had reservations against bonding with humans, those did not apply to bonding with half elves. As the number of half elves being born increased, it became apparent that some of them had physical, magical, or psychological deficiencies. Those half elves were called errants. Magical treatments were mostly useless because of the half elves' natural resistance against magic. But since only few errants were born, half elves continued to incorporate themselves into elven society and their achievements rivaled those of the elves.

Malacia, the capital of one of the elven races, was a city built upon an artificial island floating in the sky. Elves, half elves, and humans joined their forces to build a new city based on the same principle, to become the first true half elven city. Some elven religious fanatics were raving against the half elves, but they were mostly ignored until... the strongest half elven mage alive, Kiyan Nizami, went bananas and within a quarter of an hour damaged Malacia to the point that it had to be abandoned and sunk into the ocean. The vibe was tense afterwards, but construction of the new city continued for another year, mainly driven by half elves and human mages. It was already floating in the sky when it suddenly B4ed, disappearing for 1800 years (to reappear as Tsuirakushiti).

Elves, half elves, and humans were all very upset after these two disasters. A motion suggesting to "put errants out of their misery before they have a chance to become dangerous" triggered arguments, which became violent, and blossomed into a civil war. At the beginning, it was between those who "wanted the best" and those who wanted to avoid a genocide, but that gradually turned into a war between elves and half elves, the latter now all considered errants. This lasted for centuries, destroying almost all of elven society. When finally nobody was willing to fight anymore and all half elves were dead or scattered, the remaining elves retired into their only city still standing. They blamed the humans as the cause of all misery, threw them out of the city, and created a magical barrier keeping everyone out. This barrier would last for 1500 years, until Veracia sent Luminosita and made contact with the elves again.

Meji, Ellis and Jon are not exactly satisfied with this excursion in elven history. But since Sarine took all day, without even explaining what this problem is that she was hinting at, nobody dares to ask questions.

Half Sunk

Chapter Archive

The action starts with a sparring bout between Chris and Sara, much to the former's disadvantage. Paul scolds Warrel for allowing it to go on, then learns that Imperatrix Anita has traveled to visit the Veracian Church, to his displeasure and concern. As the scene shifts, Anita intimidates Jeramel into supporting her vendetta against the Gewehr Wraiths.

Meanwhile, Meji and Jon are discovering that although elves may have poetic music of a sort, it doesn't necessarily sound good when rendered in the human language, at least by Sarine. Sarine's music (such as it is) leads her to a painful study of the (by then) sleeping Meji that reminds her of her long-lost daughter, launching a soliloquy that awakens Jon. The two engage in an impassioned exchange about pain that ends with an unexpected yet long-anticipated roll in the hay sex scene, to the disgust of the foraging Ellis, who finishes the chapter with a great throwaway line.

Shattered Visage

Chapter Archive

The morning after the night before dawns with a certain bit of awkwardness (misinterpreted by Meji, who's dispatched on an errand to get her out of the way) between the overnight bedmates Sarine and Jon. Sarine, made uncomfortable by Jon's fumbling attempts to discuss the tryst, casts a Mind Wipe on Jon so that he forgets it. (Ellis, who was an inadvertent witness to proceedings, complains that he's going to be left with the memory for the rest of his life, but Sarine still doesn't mind-wipe him, just Jon.) Eventually the party resumes traveling to Thranel.

The scene shifts to the Ensigerum village, starting with a flashback sequence chronicling the death of VIP Connel at the hands of a little old lady (who we later learn is Anne, a member of the Gewehr). The failure of an unnamed monk to prevent the assassination, we learn, has to do both with Anita's elevation to the role of Imperatrix, and her own personal vendetta against the Gewehr. The conservative Paul muses on recent events and counsels Anita to go through channels (i.e., himself) in dealing with the Veracian Church, and to continue the Ensigerum's historic policy of keeping a low profile in the outside world, interfering only when the village's interests require it. Anita, of course, doesn't listen ...

Don't Want This

Chapter Archive

In which Meji and company find burning wagons, a place to rest, and an Elven guardian who doesn't like questions. Meanwhile, Jon confronts Sarine about some missing memories.

Which Yet Survive

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Most of the chapter is taken up by an extended melee between Sarine and Melrin, who's lured her outside with promises of information about the enchanted forest. Striking from a rooftop ambush, Melrin wins the first round (using a Durus Flamma weapon, which by elven convention is only supposed to be used in duels and other ceremonial combat), but is gradually overwhelmed by Sarine's prowess with spell and sword, and eventually succumbs to a thrust through the gizzard with his own weapon. Badly battered but still alive, unlike her late opponent, Sarine uses an Illusion spell to slip back into the inn and tell Jon and Meji what happened and why. After sleep and some serious healing, the party leaves town, although not before Ellis "helps" another cat who's in heat.

That Dream Where You...

Chapter Archive

In which Chris is demoralized by the truth of his father's past, bandits are mentally dominated and killed, and our heroes finally reach the ruins of the elves.

Stamped On These Lifeless Things

Chapter Archive

The party penetrates deeper into the forest, delayed by a powerful ward system that stops Sarine in her tracks and pains Meji -- but lets her and Jon pass and disable the system. Sarine is awestruck by the sophistication of the wards, but the party presses forward until they discover a portal, leading who-knows-where. After some experimentation using the reluctant Ellis, they pass through the portal to discover a Giant Magic Potato on the far side as Sarine's awe grows constantly deeper. Tentative, careful probing is interrupted by an outburst from Ellis that summons two odd fairy-like creatures who call each other "Nookie" and "Kawaii," although we learn later that those aren't their real names. Sarine is stunned to realize that despite their inexplicably child-like behavior, Nookie and Kawaii are two of the Paedagogusi, servants of the elven gods Anilis and Senilis, but the chapter ends before she can learn anything more about them.


Chapter Archive

A crucial and dizzying chapter, as Meji (and Ellis), Jon, and particularly Sarine (whose religious beliefs are taking a serious hit) continue to struggle to make sense of their encounter with the Paedagogusi Nookie and Kawaii, whose behavior is considerably less, well, dignified than Sarine expected. After some rambling exchanges of information, during which Sarine reveals why she mind-wiped Jon and it comes out that someone else had visited the Giant Magic Potato recently, Nookie counsels the visitors to stay put and not touch anything, but of course Meji doesn't listen, and slips away from the reeling Sarine to find something to touch. The thing she touches, however, turns out not to have the expected Anilis within. After a moment of non-fatal but scary violence, the party escapes via the portal and returns to Thranel.

Back in the inn, while Meji mopes in her room, Sarine tries to get Jon (who's consuming beer at a prodigious rate) to explain exactly why Meji has dragged them all off on this peculiar quest. He's uncommunicative, but Ellis spills the beans, eliciting doubt and concern from Sarine, who explains the difference (as she sees it) between "real" gods like Anilis and Senilis, and the bogus magical construct that is Luminosita. Their discussion is interrupted by a commotion upstairs (which has also attracted Meji's awed attention), so they go up to investigate ...

wait for it ...

... and Ian does it.

An Interlude...

Chapter Archive

The entire chapter is a flashback to Ian's journey since his decision to leave Santuariel (and his nearly catatonic mother), during which we learn that the tales he spun to Meji and Jon are true: he's looking for healing magic to help his sister Evelyn, who's resigned to an early death from just the kind of physical problems we've been told characterize Errants. Leaving Evelyn and his mother in the care of his friends Riley and Leah, he relives his nearly fatal battle with Toren, struggles to get into a warp gate, outwits (and outfights) the band of bandits that would later be exterminated by Jon and colleagues, and finally has a chaotic yet gentle encounter with Kawaii, who doesn't know how to handle a sugar rush. From there it's on to see Anilis, where ...

... something ...

... happens.

Burden In My Hand

Chapter Archive

A man claiming to be a disappointed official in the Veracian Church approaches the Gewehr Wraiths with a business proposition regarding one Winston Maurel, recently elevated to the rank of Cardinal. After a deal is struck, it is revealed that the Ensigerum have a hand in the arrangement, as part of Anita's plan to destroy the Gewehr. The scene shifts to where Jon (whose name came up in side conversations during the negotiations) is having a not-too-tearful parting scene with Sarine, who thinks Jon underestimates the seriousness of whatever happened to Ian and Meji and implores him to help sort it all out. He wants no part of it and goes off to meet with Gabriel and his sidekick. En route to the briefing, Jon tries to unload Ellis, who has tagged along (and who fills us in on Tsuirakuan homeland security concerns), on a Tsuirakuan soldier, but he isn't buying. Meanwhile, Sarine reluctantly returns home, to be met by what certainly looks like an ambush ...

Home Again, Home Again...

Chapter Archive

Sarine narrowly avoids slaying her young (by elven standards) friend Misa, who's picked a most inopportune time for a playful mock-ambush. Chastened, Misa agrees to do a small favor for Sarine and moves on. Sarine, who has made clear her dislike for Praenubilus Astu and the attitudes found there, locks horns with some members of the Elven Council over their concealment of the resting place of Anilis, in a verbal sparring match where both sides know more than they're saying. After trading barbs with the Council over preparedness and foresight (and carefully concealing any mention of Meji), she leaves the Council to plan their next move, doing a little intelligence gathering on Rarune while she's at it.

Flying Away

Chapter Archive

A short chapter that opens with Sarine having yet another painful flashback. Her friend Misa comes calling with the news that the elven powers-that-be are mobilizing forces to deal with the Anilis situation. We learn that Misa knows about Sarine's ambivalent views regarding errants and shares them, at least to the point that Misa wants to partner with Sarine on the search, but Sarine would rather go it alone, as usual. Meanwhile, Ian exults in his mysteriously new-found powers, while Meji considers how to turn them to her advantage...

Cold Commands

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Sara and Warrel engage a band of trolls unexpectedly close to the Ensigerum village (with disastrous results for the trolls), prompting some reflection on the part of the Ensigerum leadership. A possible test of Sara's loyalty to the Ensigerum is identified, ominously for Jon, who's been summoned to Gewehr headquarters to prepare for the Winston Maurel job. (Gabriel, leader of the Gewehr, suspects this gig is a trap, but he's sufficiently ticked off at Jon for blowing his cover on his previous job that he doesn't really care.) Ellis concludes this short chapter by having his "magic kitty butt-raising button" (sic) pushed. In the middle of it all, we receive another Poe-ish warning about physics and catgirls.


Chapter Archive

In trance, Sara reflects on how she came to the Ensigerum, but is interrupted by Warrel who reviews her impending pre-initiation mission/ritual. Sara's cold, lifeless eyes indicate that she understands the implications all too well. Meanwhile, Jon prepares for the Winston Maurel hit, only to be surprised by a disturbingly cheerful Sarine. Sarine's attempt to dissuade Jon from the job, in favor of a more altruistic mission, fails, but Warrel saves Maurel's life, provoking a confrontation. (Paul, back in the Ensigerum village, wonders whether this was as good an idea as Anita thinks it is.)

If I Ever Leave This World Alive

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An extended melee breaks out between Jon and Sarine on one side, and Warrel and Sara on the other, as Sarine fails to intimidate the arrogant Warrel into talking rather than fighting. At first the fight goes dangerously badly for Sarine, who has underestimated the power of the Ensigerum's time magic. However, Jon, despite being stunned to discover that his adversary is his long-lost sister, succeeds in distracting Warrel just long enough for Sarine to strike a fatal blow. Chastened and badly wounded but surviving, Sarine engages in some half-hearted repartee with Jon (who has subdued Sara and is taking her along for the ride, to Sarine's dismay, and ponders the idea of a juicy reward from Sarine) as they leave the church.


Chapter Archive

Somewhere in the Northern Confederacy, Riley's unusual anatomy provokes a bar fight that she escapes with the help of a bluff by Leah, whose respiratory problem makes itself known. As they return to Santuariel, Meji and Ian are arriving by way of Ian's supercharged capacity for flight, which however leaves him exhausted and then in an odd, drunken-like state. He sees Riley's and Leah's wagon in the distance and decides to bum a ride to Santuariel with them, first to their consternation as they can't believe that the straight-arrow Ian can be in the drunken state he meets them in, then to their horror as they realize that he is heading straight for some very bad news. On arrival he is enraged to find that his house has burned down and his mother and much-loved sister are dead. He casts mighty magic at Leah that appears to have some seriously bad effect rather than the healing spell he intended, but the chapter ends before we learn exactly what that effect is.

Nothing Beside Remains

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Ian grows increasingly comfortable and proficient with his Healing skills, after making peace with Leah, who was not entirely thrilled with the pre-emptive Omega-Heal she got. As Riley (whose backstory begins to emerge) has spilled the beans about his power, Ian discovers a gaggle of townsfolk waiting to be healed while Riley describes exactly what's wrong with them. He heals the townsfolk (he's curiously unable to help the unhappy Susan, and Riley decides she likes herself as she is) until collapsing from exhaustion, and Meji makes the rest go away by threatening to create more things needing healing. When Ian comes to, he wants to see where his sister and mother are buried. (Meanwhile, Leah runs for the first time without fear of dropping dead afterwards, and the earth moves for her and Riley.) Ian ponders whether his powers are enough to resurrect Evelyn and decides, to Meji's horror, to give it a try. However, he discovers that it's one thing to resurrect a body, but quite another to restore a departed soul, and the chapter ends messily.

Out of Reach

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In the Ensigerum village, a nervous Paul informs Anita (who acknowledges that she doesn't take bad news gracefully) of the failure of the Winston Maurel trap. The two ponder the significance of having an elf appear in the middle of this battle to kill Warrel, being unwilling to accept that it was coincidence (as in fact it was). After exploring a number of possible explanations, Anita decrees an acceleration of the campaign against the Gewehr Wraiths, combined with intensified intelligence gathering by way of the Veracian Church.

Meanwhile, Jon and Sarine have escaped the scene of the melee and are considering what to do with their captive, Jon's sister Sara, whom Sarine has secured with manacles (or so she thinks -- Jon's opinion of this gadget is not high). Jon attempts to mend fences with his resentful sister, but with a notable lack of success. Sarine tries a different approach: a duel. What starts out as grim and earnest combat between Sarine and Sara turns into a bout of jousting and trash talking (mainly by Sarine) that's interrupted by Jon. After some dominance games, Sara stays with the party and the weapons are sheathed. Throughout, Ellis keeps up his usual running line of sarcasm and sass.

Come Round

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In Tsuirakushiti, a dejected Meji tells her young friend Etsuko what happened in Santuariel. Etsuko tries to cheer her up, then to talk sense to her about the need to actually try in school, but leaves in a huff when Meji won't listen. Meanwhile, Sarine, Jon, Sara and Ellis arrive at the Tsuirakushiti warp gate, to be detained by a suspicious portal mage whose suspicions are allayed by an artful (and, as it turns out, unexpectedly credible) fabrication by Sarine. Sarine stays behind for a briefing by the portal mages, who treat her with unusual respect because of an impending ambassadorial visit, while the others go looking for Meji.

The party finds Meji at the home of her mother (whose name, we learn, is Miyo Hinadori) as mutual antipathy between Miyo and Ellis emerges amusingly. While the others make awkward small talk, Sarine puts Jon in the picture on the ambassadorial visit and the need to hide from the accompanying goons. Sarine discovers, to her distress, that Miyo is still carrying a torch for Meji's long-absent father (Rarune) and is ecstatic to hear that he's coming to Tsuirakushiti for a visit. However, she gently convinces Miyo to let the party occupy Meji for a while so that Miyo can renew her acquaintance(?) with Rarune and tell him that he has a half-elven child. The party goes to ground in the home of Meji's friend Bani to hide, while visiting dignitaries (Miyo and Meji's Grandfather among them) receive the elven party at the warp gate amid an exchange of diplomatic pleasantries.

Colossal Wreck

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The headquarters of the Veracian Church in Emerylon comes under sudden, devastating magical attack, soon revealed to be caused by a floating, deranged-looking Ian. Patriarch Jeramel's entourage desperately erects magical defenses, which however do not keep Ian from entering Jeramel's chambers. As a last chance, the Veracians summon their god (or pseudo-god) Luminosita to fight Ian, but the latter casts a quiet Dispel that "banishes" Luminosita, leaving the Veracians stunned and horrified. Ian returns to Jeramel's chambers, treating his protectors roughly, and starts to interrogate Jeramel about the Church's connections to the elves, to find out where they are now. The incongruity of this question causes Jeramel to laugh hysterically, which (among other things) buys time for a bloody sword strike on Ian by the captain of Jeramel's guard. The captain in turn is struck down by the lurking newcomer Sandel, who's infiltrated the Church as a spy (probably for the Ensigerum, although it isn't explicitly stated) and escapes with the body of the incapacitated Ian using his time-ninja powers.

Meanwhile, back in Tsuirakushiti, the floating city takes a brief, disconcerting dip as a result of the energy pulse released by the banishment of Luminosita. Sarine, who has joined Jon, Sara, Meji and Ellis in their hidey-hole in the apartment of Meji's friend Bani, recognizes the pulse for what it is and deduces that Ian was responsible for it. Bani's dad, also introduced in this chapter, reassures the party about the reliability of the Levitation Devices used to keep the city afloat, amid a remarkably cordial exchange of pleasantries with the "scary, armed individuals" who have followed his daughter's best friend into the apartment, and goes off to watch the news.

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