Current events/Archive

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Archives of Current events pages made obsolete as time passes. If you update the Current Events page (which should be done about once a month, but not more), please move the old content to the bottom of this page to make it easier to find. (Warning: SPOILERIFIC!)


January 2006

Currently, Ian has disappeared through a giant portal with Meji, leaving Sarine, Jon, and Ellis behind at the inn. Speculation is rife as to whether or not Ian has absorbed the power of Anilis, or whether he's just really powerful.

In other events, Sara has revealed to Chris why the Ensigerum have been so hard on him. Jon and Sarine took out some bandits, and Sarine revealed to Jon that the reason that she mindwiped him was not some deep terrible elven secret, but rather that they had sex. Ellis expressed displeasure at not being included in the mind-wiping.

March 2006

As of 24 March 2006, Jon has decided to wash his hands of the whole mess, and started back where he came from via horse-drawn wagon. That's significant because he dislikes horses, but he claims to like hanging around with the presently contrite and apprehensive Sarine even less. Bad timing: at the same time, phase one of the Ensigerum's conspiracy with the Veracian church to destroy the Gewehr, Jon's employers, is in motion, courtesy of a bogus approach to the Gewehr by a churchman purportedly looking to eliminate a rival for power in the church.

In other events, a capsule version of why and how Ian went to the giant potato has been disclosed, with a ghostly and abrupt, but not entirely unexpected, mind rape in the final frame. And Ellis has made a fairly disgusting reappearance.

May 2006

As of 29 May 2006, Sarine is back in Praenubilus Astu (which she obviously doesn't like very much) reporting to the Elven Council on what she observed at the Giant Magic Potato -- minus a few little details, like for example, the fact that Meji was there too. What looked like a life-threatening ambush en route to the council chambers turned out to be just her friend Misa playing childish (1500-year-old) games that almost got her (Misa, that is) killed. Sarine has told Misa just enough of her adventures of the last month to whet her interest in joining the fun, without spilling anything seriously revealing. Sarine is now done with the council, and vice versa -- or so they'd like her to believe.

In other news, Jon has bugged out, with a hitchhiking Ellis, and may be walking straight into the teeth of the brewing conflict between Ensigerum and Gewehr. And from Ian, Meji, Anita, and so on? No news -- yet.

September 2006

As of 17 September 2006, the Ensigerum's plan to draw out and crush the Gewehr Wraiths is starting to work, as Jon's bullet fired at Winston Maurel, the Veracian Church VIP who's being used as bait, has been intercepted in mid-flight by Warrel. Something violent is about to happen between Jon (with Sarine in the background and possibly on his side) and Warrel (possibly assisted by Sara when she gets back from taking care of the prelate); stay tuned for details.

In other developments, Ian and Meji haven't been heard from for a while, having last been seen flying toward Santuariel or Tsuirakushiti or who knows where. Meanwhile, the elves are calling in the Viradior and rangers to go out looking for them. This, of course, doesn't make Sarine very happy, but at least she's gotten out of Praenubilus Astu (which she despises) and isn't in on the hunt. Unfortunately, with the Warrel development, that's out of the frying pan and into the fire.

November 2006

As of 17 November 2006, the Ensigerum's plan to draw out and crush the Gewehr Wraiths has met something of a reverse, due to the unexpected appearance of Sarine Elle in the middle of an intimate little tête-a-tête between overconfident Ensigerum honcho Warrel, his trainee Sara Amraphel, and the latter's brother Jon, who had been previously designated as the victim. This nearly had fatal results for the unsuspecting Sarine, but even Warrel couldn't handle bullets coming at him from one side and a magic-using, 3000-year-old Special Forces fighter on the other. The three survivors, after a typically good-natured exchange of insults, have gone off to have a private conversation, as soon as Sara wakes up from being cold-cocked by her bro (and maybe, as soon as they've rescued Ellis).

While they're off musing about old times and politics, the scene has shifted to somewhere in the Northern Confederacy, where a merry bar fight has broken out following the discovery of certain of Riley's oddities. Armed intervention by Leah may or may not be bringing this to a premature conclusion, however. And we don't know -- yet -- what Meji Hinadori and the divinely-supercharged Ian Samael are up to.

December 2006

As of 20 December 2006, the scene has shifted to the Northern Confederacy, where Ian and Meji have arrived following a long flight (courtesy of Ian's supernaturally-supercharged spellcraft), spectacular re-entry, and drunken weirdness on Ian's part that leaves Meji wondering just what got into the guy. (Of course, she doesn't know about Anilis.) Unfortunately, while he's met up with his friends Riley and Leah, they've been less than candid with him on what happened to his sister Evelyn and mother while he was away from Santuariel. Suspicious, he's gone on ahead to town to make a shattering discovery, and we're all waiting for him to blow his cork...

February 2007

As of 1 February 2007, the action is in Santuariel, where the divinely-supercharged Ian Samael has discovered a mission in life to make up for his failure to save his recently-deceased sister Evelyn: curing his fellow half elves of the various things that make some of them Errants. (Riley, to the delight and anticipation of a bunch of readers, has declined to get her little bit of anatomical uniqueness fixed.) The action takes a lot out of him, and he can only do just so many Omega-Heals at a time without collapsing from the effort and needing lots of rest. He's acquired an unexpected guardian/mother figure to help deal with the crowds when this happens: Meji Hinadori, who for once in her life is showing some maturity and concern for others (Ian, that is, not the crowds). Some of the people that he can't help before he collapses aren't terribly happy to be left un-healed, understandably enough; whether the dark rumblings from the uncured crowd are a portent of things to come isn't yet clear.

We haven't seen any scenes of the rest of the world for quite a while now. The last time we saw Sarine and Jon, they'd survived a close call in combat against the late time ninja Warrel and were going off to find Meji, reluctantly accompanied by Jon's "little sister magic zombie of slicey death," Sara. That was a few days ago in story time, so who knows where they are now. Life in Praenubilus Astu may also be getting interesting as the elves mobilize forces of their own to look for Meji and Ian; we just don't know. And Anita is due to discover that all of the little character flaws that Paul observed in Warrel turned out to be fatal flaws, which she's unlikely to take with much equanimity...

March 2007

As of 9 March 2007, the action is still in Santuariel, where the Anilis-enhanced Ian has been trying to come to terms with his uber-magical powers. He's done all manner of healing of the Errant residents, but it's not just garden-variety fixing of owies; rather, it's a basic reset of the things innately wrong with Errants, which we in the outside world call Omega-Heal. As one might suspect, this has gained him a certain following, to the point where the townsfolk are becoming pests, with Meji doing what she can to keep them under control (by threatening violence, which after all is what Meji knows best).

Unfortunately, Ian's attempt to push the envelope and resurrect his dead sister Evelyn has gone badly. He succeeded in re-animating (and exposing) Evelyn's body, but realized, to his horror, that it was "empty," i.e., uninhabited by his sister's soul. His response has sent body parts flying in all directions, and now the question is whether the chapter ends before he has a complete meltdown. It looks to be a dead heat, so to speak.

April 2007

As of 2 April 2007, the scene has shifted to somewhere in the boonies of Veracia, where Sarine and Jon (and Ellis) have acquired a somewhat unwilling fellow traveler: Jon's sister Sara, whom they subdued in the grand melee with her instructor, the late Warrel. She's looking a bit glum, not so much because of the magical manacles that Sarine slapped on her, but out of fear of what the Ensigerum will do to her if she goes back, since she "failed" by getting captured and "letting" Warrel get killed.

Not that it's an unrealistic fear, to be sure. Back in the Ensigerum village, Anita and Paul have had a tete-a-tete on Ensigerum strategy, during which Anita has characteristically jumped to all manner of bogus conclusions about collaborations or confrontations (or maybe both at once) among the Gewehr, Veracian Church, elves, and who knows who else. Her response is equally in character: kill 'em all. We also learn that the Ensigerum have noticed an increase in the number of elves wandering around in human territories doing who-knows-what. (Of course, we, the detached readers/Greek chorus, know they're looking for Ian and Meji, who are still safely ensconced in Santuariel, but Anita doesn't know that.)

In the midst of it all, there has been a marvelously innuendo-loaded little aside about Durus Flamma swords and "magic elf crystals."

May 2007

As of 3 May 2007, the action is still somewhere in the boonies of Veracia, where Sarine and Jon (and Ellis) have acquired a somewhat unwilling fellow traveler: Jon's sister Sara, whom they subdued in the grand melee with her instructor, the late Warrel. She's been turned loose by Sarine, after an angry exchange between Jon and Sara in which a great deal of rage from Sara emerged, having to do with Jon leaving her to rot in an orphanage until she was rescued by the Ensigerum. (Jon basically shrugs his shoulders at this, reasoning that he didn't even know that Sara was in that "hell hole" until it was too late.) Sarine and Sara are currently engaged in a merry duel of sorts, the real purpose, not to mention seriousness, of which is not settled yet.

Back in the Ensigerum village, Anita and Paul have had a tete-a-tete on Ensigerum strategy, during which Anita has characteristically jumped to all manner of bogus conclusions about collaborations or confrontations (or maybe both at once) among the Gewehr, Veracian Church, elves, and who knows who else. Her response is equally in character: kill 'em all. We also learn that the Ensigerum have noticed an increase in the number of elves wandering around in human territories doing who-knows-what. (Of course, we, the detached readers/Greek chorus, know they're looking for Ian and Meji, who are still safely ensconced in Santuariel, but Anita doesn't know that.)

On the Santuariel front, all is quiet, but their time is coming, no doubt.

June 2007

As of 3 June 2007, the action is in Tsuirakushiti. Meji Hinadori has traveled there following the messy end of her voyage to Santuariel with Ian Samael, who's disappeared in a flash of light following his unsuccessful attempt to resurrect his sister Evelyn. In the week or so since her arrival, she's mainly been moping around the house, worrying about Ian and also about the likelihood of failing her finals. Her friend Etsuko (introduced in the last couple of weeks) has first tried to cheer her up through a new hairdo and offer of a shopping trip, then tried to talk sense to her about the need to actually try in school, but the message isn't taking.

Meanwhile, Sarine Elle, Jon Amraphel and his reluctant sister Sara, and the ever-sarcastic Ellis have gated in to Tsuirakushiti as well, after some group bonding in the boonies of Veracia involving a duel and some gunshots, none of them inflicting any terminal damage. Presumably they're there looking for Meji, but contact hasn't been made yet, nor do we know what will happen when they do cross paths. And what of Anita and her murderous plans against the Gewehr Wraiths? No idea at all, really...

July 2007

As of 6 July 2007, the action is in Tsuirakushiti, specifically in the pad of Meji's Mom, who we've learned is named Miyo Hinadori. Her recently-introduced housekeeper Nanoa has admitted two parties of visitors, one composed of Jon, Sara and Ellis (the latter using all manner of colorful descriptions for Miyo, who calls him "the monster"), the other of a worried Sarine, having extricated herself from the festivities at the warp gate. She has learned that her bluff with the portal mages and their security force wasn't a bluff: the elven ambassador (the love-'em-and-leave-em specialist Rarune) really is coming to town soon, accompanied by an "honor guard" that Sarine and Jon suspect is coming along not for ceremonial reasons but to snatch Meji, or worse. Sarine and Jon are trying to convince Meji (who'd rather stay to meet her dad, having forgotten what a bad idea this is) to go into hiding to avoid this unpleasant eventuality. Miyo, for her part, would like to relive the one-night stand she had with Rarune about 18 years back, of which Meji is the result, and is a lot more upbeat about the prospect of Rarune visiting again than the others are.

Elsewhere in the Poe-verse, nothing new. Meji has mentioned to Jon that Ian "did some teenaged magical godling angst bomb crap and disappeared," but we haven't seen anything in Santuariel or elsewhere to explain exactly what, where or why. And we can assume that Anita's murderous plans move forward, but no news on that front either.

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