List of Spells

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==Vision enhancement and Remote Sensing Spells==
==Vision enhancement and Remote Sensing Spells==
* '''[[Vision Enhancement]]''': used on arrival at the [[Northern Confederacy]], to try to confirm that the specks an impaired Ian is seeing in the distance really are [[Leah]] and [[Riley]] as he says they are.
* '''[[Vision Enhancement]]''': used on arrival at the [[Northern Confederacy]], to try to confirm that the specks an impaired Ian is seeing in the distance really are [[Leah]] and [[Riley]] as he says they are.
{{Reference Articles}}

Revision as of 19:22, 22 January 2007

List of Spells

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Where used

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There are a number of spells and incantations used in ErrantStory. Some of them are listed here:



Spells that disable or otherwise counter other spells.

  • Dispel Magic: used to try to rid Jon of the charm that Meji thinks Sarine has placed on him. However, there's no charm, and the spell simply irritates Jon, both emotionally and (apparently) physically.

Assault, Destruction, and General Mayhem

  • Acid Neuter Arrow: for use on Ellis. Since he's basically indestructible, it's not clear exactly what this one does, if anything.
  • Earth Smash: with which she squashes the Pottle boy as the mugging of Chris unfolds. This one really gets the attention of the townsfolk in Saus. A much-scaled-down version of the same spell is another of her devices for tormenting Ellis.
  • Fireball: another old stand-by. She uses it to incinerate the posse that's tracking Jon (while saving another to zap Ellis after the usual wisecrack), to try to blast Sarine (who dodges the effect) in the room at Mandi's tavern, and much later, on the portal platform to try (unsuccessfully) to blow it up to prevent Anilis and the Paedagogusi from following the party.
  • Force Bolt: used to "discipline" Ellis, and probably many times later offstage. She uses this, or something like it, to blast Malcolm and James through the roof of a building when they interrupt their mugging of Chris to try the same on her.
  • Lightning Bolt: a basic for any would-be mage.


  • Translation (Not yet seen in comic, but Poe said so): Allows Meji to understand spoken language that isn't her native one. Or at least the words, at any rate.

Defense and Stealth Spells

  • Illusion: to make things look like what they're not; gets lots of use by multiple characters
  • Invisibility: Used by Meji to escape annoying adventurer-wannabe Chris, and later, much less successfully, to try to sneak into the Heretic Knowledge Vault in Emerylon.
  • Iron Skin: Used to convert Ellis into a bludgeoning melee weapon. Unfortunately, on the one occasion when she actually uses him as a bludgeoning melee weapon, she neglects to cast the spell first. The melee turns out OK (Meji seems to be a competent hand-to-hand fighter), but as regards Ellis, to quote Meji: "Sorry, my bad."
  • Obfuscation: To conceal Ellis when they're in Saus and want to be inconspicuous, although she doesn't mention it until much later.
  • Soft Fall: Used by Warrel on his last day mong the living, in his fight with Jon.

Event effectors and Probability Spells

  • Deus ex Machina: the first spell we see Meji try to cast in the comic, to try to fend off either working on her class project or facing the consequences for not working on it. It's apparently a real "probability spell" (or so Ellis says), but it doesn't work (or does it?...), and just singes Meji around the edges.

Healing and Health

Spells that fix people.

  • Contraceptive: This was mentioned, by Ellis, as the one that Meji's mother failed to use when she got pregnant with Meji.
  • Drain: Used to try to suck (sic) some of Ian's magical energy (sic) when he's acting weird/drunk on arrival at the Northern Confederacy. We don't know exactly what it does, but it certainly sounds provocative, as Leah and Riley note.
  • Hygiene: she doesn't actually use this one on stage, but was starting toward it at the river, when it dawned on her that immersing her "nubile, pert young body" (sic) in the river might be preferable, for its effect on Ian. Things don't work out exactly as planned, however.
  • Scan: used by Meji to check state of health on Ellis and Sarine. Ellis wants one after Meji blasts him (for the first time of many) in the school library, but she gets distracted by a book and doesn't seem to cast it. Later she uses it(?) to see what's wrong with Sarine following the big fight with Melrin. It's not clear whether Scan penetrates magical disguise (illusion) or it's some other spell that has that effect.

Logistical Spells

  • Pocket Dimension: not clear whether it's a spell or a magical device, but anyway, it allows her to carry all manner of stuff comfortably. First used in the library.
  • Warp gate: Use to travel from one location to another.
  • Levitation: ...

Shape Changing spells and Polymorphism

Almost anyone can change shapes easier than elves and Half Elves. This is because of the Form persistence inherent in the elven physiotype.

  • Polymorph Spell: Cause a form change in others. Basically, turn them into a frog, cat, dog, wolf, whatever. No Polymorph spell works well on elves, however.
  • Polymorph Self: An alternative to bust-enhancing surgery. When Meji tried it in the past, it didn't last, to her disappointment (and Ellis' continued amusement).

Special Effects and Entertainment

  • Dancing Lights/Fancy Lighting: used to spotlight her "nubile, pert young body" in the river. Ian notices, all right, for all the good it does her. She also uses them to entertain Ellis on the way to Thranel, light the party's way through the forest, and illuminate the trap sensors en route to the Giant Magic Potato so that Jon can pick them off.
  • Pyrotechnics: used to create a distraction in the bandit camp, so that Jon can do some shooting. (Of course, Meji could just as easily have blown them all away with a Fireball, but shooting people seems cathartic for Jon.)

Vision enhancement and Remote Sensing Spells

==See Also==

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